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Hideyuki Katsumata

Japanese illustrator based in Tokyo, Hideyuki Katsumata, has been exploring art mostly through his representation of Yokai (妖怪). A class of supernatural monsters, spirits and demons in Japanese folklore. People can particularly appreciate his “craziness” bringing Yokai in the middle of a luxury brand and his most famous character : Hanauta. The musical style also bring to the video its resonance, here made by PASCALS even if the artist is also a musical composer. He also worked for a few different kind of luxury brands.

The french brand MAD et LEN, by Hideyuki Matsumata.

Hideyuki Katsumata is a regular artist from exhibits in Bangkok, Thailand, at the Goya gallery. His arts use to introduce original monster directly extracted from Japanese mythology.

Master of the gate DCA Dundee - hideyuki Katsumata

You can enjoy a long presentation of the artist by the Herald Scotland about his exhibits in Dundee – where the MASTER OF WALL ( see above ) has been done.

Among his creations there is one character which keep continuing following the work of the artist. Called Hanauta.

Hanauta guitare

Hanauta is also presented in musical composition surrounded by others characters directly coming from the “spiritual world”.

You can see him at the blockhouse in Harajuku, and in various exhibition in Tokyo.

Cover Little dragon _ Machine dreams - Hideyuki Katsumata

Sumo is crying
Mural work at Ikebukuro guesthouse.

WHY Asia Emarket LIKES Hideyuki Katsumata ?

Hideyuki Katsumata artworks are:

  • Strange,
  • Beautiful,
  • Colorful,
  • Good quality,
  • Dark/Sad.

If you are interested by his pieces, you can fin him on facebook:

 His facebook page.

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